
Public Lecture Invitation

The Department of Soil and Geological Sciences is hosting a Public Lecture with two distinguished speakers. Dr. Aleksandar Radu, Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Lincoln, will present on “Low-Cost, User-Friendly Sensors for Measuring Plant Nutrients with Excellent Spatio-Temporal Resolution.” Also, Dr. Tanja Radu, from Loughborough University, will discuss “Engineered Solutions for […]

A Sweet Ending To A New Beginning

It was a sweet evening with our final year BSc agronomy students who had gathered for their farewell party at Green Palm Hotel. The air was filled with nostalgia and anticipation. These young minds, who had spent years studying soil science, crop management, and sustainable agriculture, are about to embark on a new chapter in […]

Invitation to Postgraduate Students Seminar Presentation

The Department of Soil and Geological Science cordially invites you to the MSc and PhD Results, Proposal, and Concept Note presentation. The seminar will take place on Friday, 12th July, 2024, at the DSGS MSc Classroom from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please refer to the self-explanatory document for additional details. Announcement Postgraduate Seminars July […]

System of Rice Intensification (SRI): A Sustainable Approach to Rice Cultivation

System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an innovative farming methodology that aims to enhance rice yield while minimizing resource usage and environmental impact. Developed by French Jesuit Father Henri de Laulanié in Madagascar, SRI builds upon decades of agricultural experimentation. Listen to our BSc Agronomy Student Elia P. Mollel Key Features of SRI: Plant Management: […]

Golden Grains: Cultivating Rice And Maize Health In Tanzanian Fields

A research project led by Dr Nyambilila Amuri from the Department of Soil and Geological Sciences at Sokoine University of Agriculture, in collaboration with the APNI, is set to redefine the fight against hidden hunger. The project “Fighting hidden hunger through micro-nutrients fertilization in maize and rice in Tanzania” focuses on enhancing nutritional quality of […]

Seminar Presentation By Prof. Ray R. Weil, University of Maryland

Department of Soil and Geological Sciences is organizing a guest seminar presentation by Professor Raymond Weil from the University of Maryland, USA. Topic: Enhancing the nutritional quality and yield of legumes through sulfur fertility Abstract Legume seeds like common beans and groundnuts, are a major source of protein (plus starch, oil, vitamins, and minerals) for […]

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Field Practical Training (FPT) Station Allocations for BSc Agronomy Third-Year Students

We are pleased to announce the station allocations for the third-year students’ Field Practical Training (FPT). The attached list details the specific stations assigned to each student. The FPT is scheduled to begin on 5th March 2024. As part of your preparation, we advise all students to collect their logbooks prior to their departure for […]

SUA Playing a Key Role in the Makete-wheat Project

Piloting Sustainable Wheat Production in Makete as a driver to economic growth and National Food Security was initially conceived by regional and district authorities in Njombe and Makete, respectively. The regional administration immediately saw the need to include SUA as a key partner in the project as the latter could render its enormous expertise in […]