
NAME: Susan Nchimbi- Msolla  
ACADEMIC RANK: Professor      
SPECIALIZATION: Plant Genetics and Plant Breeding       
RESEARCH INTEREST: Plant Genetics and Plant Breeding; Seed production; Molecular Biology; Biodiversity
PUBLICATIONS: Google Scholar | Research Gate
CONTACT: nchimbi@sua.ac.tz

Susan Nchimbi-Msolla is the Plant Breeder who is a professor and a researcher at the Department of Crop Science and Horticulture at Sokoine University of Agriculture. She has been working at SUA since 1982. She got her Masters and PhD degrees in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in USA. She earlier got her degree in Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Specialization of Crop Science) (Hons) from University of Dar es saalam.

Susan has been teaching both undergraduate and graduate students genetics, plant breeding and seed technology courses. She has also been supervising Masters and PhD students on research towards producing their dissertations and theses (46 students).

She has wide experience in conducting both laboratory and field research in Plant breeding, Genetics, Biotechnology, Seed technology. She has been a Principal Investigator/project leader for 6 projects and participated as a collaborator in several projects (more than 5). Out of those researches she has been able to develop and release three bean varieties namely Rojo, Mshindi and Pesa, four other varieties are in the pipeline for release. She has published papers in both academic referred journals and in popular publications (for the past ten years, 33 papers).

She is participating well in the outreach programs that include conducting on- farm experiments, demonstration plots and training farmer on seed production. Has been able produce extension materials such as leaflets and posters for varieties the bean varieties she has released. In addition to the extension materials she has been able to develop four policy briefs on seed issue (“Making Tanzania a Quality Seeds Self Sufficient Country for Ensuring Food Security of Citizens”, “ Increasing Demand for Improved Seeds for Ensuring Food Security in Tanzania”, Setting Conducive Environment for Increasing Private Sector Participation in Seed Production”, “Setting Conducive Legal Environment for Seed Production in Tanzania”.).

She has carried out consultancies in areas related to agriculture and other relevant areas. Among the consultancies they include the following: In service training for Agricultural officers on Data analysis of crop experiments (using MSTAT program). March 1995, Assessment of viability of the seed farms in Tanzania, November 2001(Seed Unit ASPS DANIDA), Fruit production in Morogoro rural and Mvomero districts: Feasibility study on possibility of having fruit processing factory in Morogoro September, 2003 (Private Agricultural Sector Support -PASS), Validation of the Basic Indicators and Methodology for Impact Assessment of on-farm Seed Production (OFSP) .January 2005 ( ASPS), Baseline survey for on-farm seed production: Possibilities if adding 20 more districts in the programme (September, 2005), Impact Assessment of the Quality Declared Seed producing farmers in Iringa, Morogoro and Dodoma regions (November, 2007), Academic Audit of University of Dodoma (2011) and Evaluation of ASARECA Research proposals (2011).She has participated in Afrcan Women In Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) mentoring programme and so far has mentored 3 young women researchers. She has also mentored successfully one young man, a SUA academic staff under iAGRIC mentorship programme.

Apart from leading 6 research projects as mentioned above, Susan has been holding various leadership positions at the University as Deputy Director for Research and Publications from July 2-11 to June 2014, Dean of the College of Agriculture from July 2014 to December 2015 and The Acting Principal of the College of Agriculture from January 2016 to June 2017. Susan is a member of National- wide Committees and Boards and community organization that include, Chairperson in the Management Committee (Board) of Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute, a member in Ministerial Advisory Board of Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), a Chairperson in the Board of Bigwa Sisters Seminary/ Secondary School, a member of Board Kola Hill Secondary School, Dakawa Teachers Training College and Ilula Orphanage Programme.