Field Practical Training (FPT) is an integral part of the degree courses offered by the College of Agriculture (CoA) at SUA. It provides opportunity for students to merge theory and practice by offering ‘real life’ situations for learning which cannot be simulated in lecture rooms, laboratories or departmental workshops at SUA. Among the major aims of FPT are;

  • To train skills e.g., in using equipment and carrying routine operations;
  • To provide knowledge e.g., of materials and processes;
  • To develop abilities e.g., of planning, organizing and communicating;
  • To foster attitudes e.g., of awareness on costs & efficiency implications and social & economic interactions

Some second year students during FPT at Crop museum.

As part of training programs each student is required to participate in FPT for five weeks. Field was conducted from March 6th to April 7th 2023 whereby second- and third-year students for BSc. Agriculture general (BSc.   AGC)Bachelor of Crop production and management (BCPM) and BSc. Horticulture (BSc .HORT) commenced their field practical training in their allocated field stations. We are grateful to all stations for accepting and hosting our students. Major stations for field practical were Agricultural Research Institutes, National military services camps, National Prisons Services, Private -Agro companies, Non-Governmental Organization and Sokoine University of Agriculture which hosted students in their farms Crop Museum, Horticulture unit and Modal training farm.

students and supervisors at SUMA JKT Rice plantations Chita



Students and supervisors at Rwizjkjan Arusha
Visit at one of Prison station

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