

The Department of Crop Sciences and Horticulture hosts a number of laboratories for teaching, research and consultancy. Our labs are found in different buildings within the Main Campus. They are organised according to their specialised functions.

Tissue culture Laboratory

The tissue culture lab is located in the Horticulture building within the man campus. The lab has the necessary equipment for in vitro propagation of crops.

Crop Improvement Laboratory

Two labs on Crop Improvement are located in the Horticulture building. They are equipped with molecular biology equipment necessary for Marker Assisted Selection (MAS)

Seed Health Laboratory

A series of specialised labs on mycology, virology, bacteriology, seed quality testing are found in the African Seed Health Center. These labs have state of..

Crop Protection Laboratory

The DCSH has graduate labs for entomology, weed science and general plant pathology. The entomology lab hosts a reference collection of various insects notably fruit flies of Tanzania. The DCSH has a fruit flies rearing facility located with the Horticulture Unit. Surveillance.

Horticulture Laboratories

The Department of Crop Science and Horticulture in its Horticulture building hosts specialised laboratories on fruits, vegetables and post harvest research. These laboratories are mostly used for teaching and students’ research activities.


The Department of Crop Sciences and Horticulture have two field used for experimental and demonstration purposes

Horticulture Unit

The Horticulture unit is 15 ha research, demonstration and semi-commercial area located within Sokoine University of Agriculture Main campus. The Unit hosts a diversity of crops including Mango, Mangifera indica L.; tangerine, Citrus reticulata Blanco; lemon, Citrus limon (L.) Burman

Crop Museum

The Crop Museum is 8 ha farm within Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Main Campus. It is a centre for Agrobiodiversity conservation and agro – ecological intensification. Various crops are produced and sold in an Agri shop located within the the Museum.