Prof. Cornelio N. Nyaruhucha

  1. Academic qualification Universities/Colleges/Schools


Ph.D.                                                  1994 -97                     Kyoto University, Japan,

M.Sc. Human Nutrition               1990 – 91                    London  School of Hyg. & Trop. Med

B.Sc. Home Econ. & Hum. Nutr.  1986 –88            Sokoine University of Agriculture

Form Six Certificate (PCB)            1980 – 82               Shinyanga Secondary School,

Form Four Certificate                    1976 – 79              Tarime Secondary School (Tarime)

Primary Education                          1969 – 75               Kyoruba Primary School (The


  1. Research interest: Geriatric Nutrition, Child Nutrition
  2. Research Projects
  1. Improving the Nutritional status of adolescent girls in Tanzania. July 1999 – 2002.
  2. Quality of human capital for agriculture production in rural areas of    Morogoro and Iringa regions, Tanzania.
  3. Nutrient content of foods commonly consumed in Morogoro and Iringa    regions.
  4. Development of Dietary Guidelines for Improvement of Nutritional Status in Iringa and Morogoro regions under TARP II, 2001 – 2004.
  5. Nutrition capacity building for local NGOs dealing with people living with HIV and Aids.
  6. Development of Nutrition interventions for improved Health and productivity in Morogoro and Iringa regions in Tanzania.
  7. Promotion of legume utilization and micro nutrient rich foods for enhancing rural households nutrition in Dodoma, Tanzania ( Funded by McKnight Foundation)


  1. Publications

 Journal Articles:

 Nyaruhucha, C.N.M and Msimbe, H.P. (1993). Some factors affecting birth weights in Morogoro, Tanzania. East African Med. J. 70(12): 749-51.

  1. Nyaruhucha, C.N.M. and Mnkeni, A.P. and (1994). Acceptability and keeping quality of soymilk in Morogoro, Tanzania. Plant Foods for Human Nutr. 46: 175-180
  • Nyaruhucha, C.N.M., Kito, M. and Fukuoka, S.I. (1997). Identification and expression of the cDNA-encoding human mesotrypsin (ogen), an isoform of trypsin with inhibitor resistance. J. Biol. Chem. 272 (16): 10573-10578. DOI:
  1. Fukuoka, S.I., Nyaruhucha, C.N.M. And Shibata, K. (1998). Characterization and functional expression of the cDNA-encoding human brain quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1395:192-201.
  2. Nyaruhucha, C.N.M., Msuya, J.M. and Augustino, B. (2001). Health status of hospitalized elderly in Morogoro regional hospital. East African Med. J. 78(9):35-38.
  3. Lyimo, M.E., Shayo, N.B., Malisa, C.B., Nyaruhucha, C.N., Mella, O.N.O. and Baltazar, T.S. (2001). The nutritive value of traditional processed and stored indigenous vegetable “Chipali” in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. Food and Nutrition J. of Tanzania 10(1): 8-11.
  • Fukuoka, S.I. and Nyaruhucha, C. N.M. (2002). Expression and functional analysis of rat P23, a gut hormone-inducible isoform of trypsin, reveals its resistance to proteinaceous trypsin inhibitors. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1588(2): 106-12.
  • Nyaruhucha, C.N.M., Achen, J.H., Msuya, J.M. Shayo, N.B. and Kulwa K.B.M. (2003). Prevalence and awareness of obesity among people of different age groups in educational institutions in Morogoro, Tanzania. East African Med. J. 80(2): 68-72
  1. J.M. Msuya, C.N.M. Nyaruhucha and J. Kaswahili (2003). Does preventive health care have a chance in the changing health sector in Tanzania? East African Med. J. 80 (3):135-139
  2. Nyaruhucha, C.N.M. E. Matrida and J.M. Msuya (2004). The nutritional status, food habits and functional ability of institutionalized and non-       institutionalized elderly people of Morogoro region, Tanzania. East African  Med. J81(5): 248-253.
  3. Nyaruhucha, C.N., Mamiro, P.S. and Kerengi, A.J. (2005). Prevalence of anemia and parasitic infections among under-five children in Simanjiro District, Tanzania. Tanzania Health Research Bulletin 7:35-38   (
  • C.N.M. Nyaruhucha, Mamiro, P. S., Kerengi, A. J. and Shayo, N.B. (2006). Nutritional status of under-five children in Simanjiro district Manyara region. Tanzania Health Research Bulletin 8(1): 32- 36.   (
  • Kinabo, J., Mnkeni, A.P. Nyaruhucha, C.N.M., Msuya, J.M., Haug, A. and    Ishengoma, J. (2006). Feeding frequency and nutrient content of foods commonly consumed in Iringa and Morogoro regions in Tanzania. International J. of Food Sciences and Nutrition 57(1): 9-17. (http;;//
  • Nyaruhucha, C.N.M., J.M. Msuya, B. Ngowi and D. M. Gimbi (2006). Maternal weights gain in second and third trimesters and their relationship with birth weights in Morogoro municipality, Tanzania. Tanzania Health Research Bulletin 8(1):41-44. (
  1. C.N.M. Nyaruhucha, Msuya, J.M., Mamiro, P.S. and Kerengi, A. J.  (2006). Nutritional status and feeding practices of under-five children in Simanjiro District in Tanzania. Tanzania Health Research Bulletin 8:162-167  (
  • Nyaruhucha, C.N.M., Sigalla, E. and Msuya, J.M. (2006). Assessment of community participation in the CSPD programme in Morogoro, Tanzania. Tanzania Food and Nutrition J.   35 – 41.
  • Shayo, N.B., Mamiro P, Nyaruhucha C.N.M. and Mamboleo, T. (2006). Physico-chemical and grain cooking characteristics of selected rice cultivars grown in Morogoro Region. Tanzania J. of Science 32(1): 29 35.
  • Nyaruhucha, C., Kinabo, J., Kulwa, K., John, J., George, V., and Sillo, L. (2007). Improving the nutritional quality of street foods to better meet the micronutrient needs of schoolchildren in urban areas. Food and Agriculture Organization and Sokoine University. FAO, Rome, Italy. PDF
  • Nyaruhucha, C., Kinabo, J., Kulwa, K., John, J., George, V., and Sillo, L. (2007).Improving the nutritional quality of street foods to better meet the micronutrient needs of schoolchildren in urban areas.Food and Agriculture Organization and Sokoine University. FAO, Rome, Italy PDF.
  1. C.N.M. Nyaruhucha (2009). Food cravings, aversions and pica among pregnant women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health Research 11 (1):29-34. ( 
  • J. Kinabo, P. Mamiro, C.N.M. Nyaruhucha, R. Kaarhus, A. E. Temu, M. Materu, S. Tatala and A. Swai, (2011).  Quality of human capital for agricultural production in rural areas of Morogoro and Iringa regions, Tanzania.  African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(29) :6296-6302.
  • Rebecca Oketcho, Esron D Karimuribo, Cornelio N. M. Nyaruhucha, Saifuddin Taybali (2012). Epidemiological factors in admissions for diarrhoea six to 60 months old children admitted to Morogoro Regional Hospital, Tanzania. South African J of Child Health 6 (3):81-84. doi:10.7196/sajch.479
  • Rebecca Oketcho, Cornelio N.M. Nyaruhucha, Saifuddin Taybali and Esron D. Karimuribo (2012). Influence of enteric bacteria, parasite infections and nutritional status on diarrhoea occurrence among six to 60 months old children admitted to a Regional Hospital in Morogoro, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health Research 14(2): 1-14.
  • Ocan, H.N. Kinabo, J.L. Mamiro, P.S. and Nyaruhucha, C.N. (2013). Basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure of rural farmers in Magubike village, Kilosa district, Tanzania. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (13(4): 8128-8138
  • Mselle, L., Kinabo, J.K. and Nyaruhucha, C.N.M. (2013). Effects of climate change-related weather patterns and their effects on food production and nutrition status of women and children in Kilosa District. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension 4(2):396 -415
  • Mselle, L, Kinabo, J.K. and Nyaruhucha, C.N.M. (2014). Contribution of care, hygiene and sanitation to maternal and child nutrition status in Kilosa district. Tanzania Food and Nutrition Journal 13(1) :63- 75
  • Carolyne C. Ruhembe, Theobald C.E. Mosha and Cornelio N.M. Nyaruhucha (2014). Prevalence and awareness of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among adult population in Mwanza City, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health Research 16(2):1-11.
  • Carolyne C. Ruhembe, Cornelio N.M. Nyaruhucha and Theobald C.E. Mosha (2014). Glycemic index of selected staple foods used in the management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Tanzania. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 13(2):48- 62.
  • Ruhembe, C.C., T.C.E. Mosha and C.N. M. Nyaruhucha (2015). Effect of Nutrition Education Intervention and Lifestyle behaviors on management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Mwanza city, Tanzania. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension 6(1):775 – 788.
  • Meena, P.H., J.G. Lyimo-Macha, and C.N. M. Nyaruhucha (2015). Nutritional status of under-five year children in selected villages of Mvomero and Districts, Tanzania. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension 6(1):882 -901.
  • Ruhembe, C.C., T.C.E. Mosha and C.N.M. Nyaruhucha (2015). Risk Factors Associated with Elevated Blood Glucose Among Adults in Mwanza City, Tanzania.  Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences  14(2): 90 – 100
  • Elina Maseta, Theobald C.E. Mosha, Cornelio N. Nyaruhucha and Henry Laswai (2016). Sensory evaluation of extruded quality protein maize based supplementary foods. African Journal of Science 10(7): 1- 7.
  • Elina Maseta, Theobald C.E. Mosha, Henry Laswai and Cornelio N. Nyaruhucha (2016). Nutritional Quality, Mycotoxins and Ant-nutritional Factors in Quality Protein Maize-Based Supplementary Foods for Children in Tanzania. International Journal of Sciences 5:37 – 44.
  • Elina Maseta, T.C. Mosha, Cornelio Nyaruhucha, Henry Laswai, (2017) “Nutritional quality of quality protein maize-based supplementary foods”, Nutrition & Food Science, 47 (1):42 – 52
  • Edna H. Mtoi & Cornelio N. M. Nyaruhucha, (2019). “Child Care Practices and Nutritional Status of Under-Five Children in Tanzania: Evidence from Fishing Communities in Pangani District,” International Journal of Asian Social Science, Asian Economic and Social Society, 9(7). 390-405
  • Zahra Saidi Majili , Cornelio Nyaruhucha, Kissa Kulwa , Khamaldin Mutabazi, Constance Rybak and Stefan Sieber  (2020). Preferences and Consumption of Pigeon Peas among Rural Households as Determinants for Developing Diversified Products for Sustainable Health. Sustainability 2020, 12: 6130
  • Jackline D. Mrema, Ester Elisaria,  Akwilina W. Mwanri and Cornelio M. Nyaruhucha (2021). Prevalence and Determinants of Undernutrition among 6- to 59-Months-Old Children in Lowland and Highland Areas in Kilosa District, Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Volume 2021, Article ID 6627557, 9 pages
  • Zahra Majili, Cornelio N. Nyaruhucha, Kissa Kulwa, Khamaladin Mutabazi, Constance Rybak, Stefan Sieber. Identification and prioritization of pigeon pea-based products tailored to consumer preference perspective: A mixed method assessment approach. Legume Science.2022;1–12. 27 January 2022.
  • Tesha, A.P., C.N. Nyaruhucha and A.W. Mwanri (2021). Formulation and Sensory Evaluation of Complementary Foods from Low-Cost, Locally-Available and Nutrient-Dense Ingredients using Linear Programming. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2021) Vol. 20 No. 2, 295-308
  1. Tesha, A. P.*, Mwanri, A. W. and Nyaruhucha, C. N. (2022). Knowledge, practices and intention to consume omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids among pregnant and breastfeeding women in Morogoro
  • Municipality, Tanzania African Journal of Food Science Vol. 16(6) pp. 125-136, June 2022. DOI: 10.5897/AJFS2022.2169
  • Tesha, A. P., Mwanri, A. W. and Nyaruhucha, C. N. (2022). Nutrient content of complementary foods for children in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. African Journal of Food Science Vol.16 (11), pp. 279-288, November 2022.  DOI:
  • Mtonga, T. And Nyaruhucha C.N. (2022).  Prevalence and factors associated with undernutrition among under-five children in Gairo district in Morogoro, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health Research.  Vol. 23 No. 4 (2022): 1- 10
  • Tausi M. Mohamed* and Cornelio N. Nyaruhucha (2023). Household and Community Factors Affecting Nutritional Status of Under-five Children (6-59 months) in Gairo District Using Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure. Tanzania Journal of Science 49(1): 76-85, 2023
  • Mrema, J.D., Mwanri, A.W. and Nyaruhucha, C.N. (2023). Dietary intake and diversity among children aged 6 -59 months in lowland and highland areas in Kilosa District, Tanzania. Human Nutrition and Metabolism


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  3. Research Projects:
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  1. Consultancies


  1. Resource Person: Management Course for Food and Nutrition Program Implementers at District Level. A course organized by Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC) for years 2000- 2004.
  2. Member of consultants of FAO work done in Dar es Salaam on Improving the Nutritional Quality of Foods to better meet the Micronutrient Needs of School Children in Urban Areas in 2007.
  • Member of a Technical Committee which developed a training material entitled ‘Responding to HIV/AIDS in higher education institutions in Tanzania a curriculum for undergraduate students which was held in Morogoro in 2003.
  1. Chairman of task force on updating Food Composition Table for Tanzania.
  2. Member of Review Team which developed ‘National Guidelines for Nutrition Care and Support for People Living with HIV. Published by TFNC under Ministry of   Health and Social Welfare. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2009)
  3. Member of a team that carried out Baseline Nutritional Survey in Morogoro and  Iringa regions under PANTIL