Academic Staff Saving to the Government/other Institutions

The Department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences has a close link with previous members of academic staff. Most of these staff are retirees, working with other institutions, and those appointed by Government or international organizations to serve other activities based on their expertise. These staff are frequently requested for professional consultations, part-time lectures, student supervisions and mentorship purposes, since they are key stake holders in the running and development of the department.

Dr. Nazael Amos MAdalla

Aquaculture Nutrition

Current position:  Director of Aquaculture in the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries

Education level: PhD (University of Stirling in United Kingdom)

Working with the Department from 2003 to 2018.  Also as the Head of Department from 2013 to 2018

Academic Rank: Senior Lecturer
Section: Aquaculture
Research Interest: to oversee promotion, development and management of aquaculture industry in Tanzania.
E-mail: or or

Publications: Google ScholarResearch Gate

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