Since 13th April 2021, the Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) has been publishing original research in the field and practice of community development. TAJOCODE is affiliated with the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development (DAECD) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and Community Development Professional Association of Tanzania (CODEPATA). DAECD offers its expertise and oversees the management and the review process of the journal. Even though, the editorial decisions are based on the quality of submissions and appropriate peer review, rather than on any political, financial, or personal influences from the department, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), CODEPATA, and other stakeholders. TAJOCODE follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines (visit for details) to manage its peer-review process. All authors are welcome to submit complaints and appeals to the editor’s decisions. To access published articles, scroll to the bottom of this page. Please contact the Chief Editors for any queries.
1.0. About the journal
Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) is the peer review journal publishing original research of high quality.
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development, P.O.BOX 3002, Morogoro, Tanzania
2.0. Aims and Scope
TAJOCODE is devoted to improving knowledge and practice in community development. TAJOCODE advances inclusive community development research, and practice in all domains of community development. The journal publishes research, and practice in all aspects of community development with a view of contributing towards tackling various development challenges in Tanzania and the rest of the world. The journal welcomes English and Kiswahili articles that report research and practice; examine community problems; and analyse community development profession in Tanzania and elsewhere. Articles may address any community development issue including poverty; gender; community participation; social justice; economic development; budgeting; decentralisation; agricultural extension; education, community empowerment; sustainable development; rural and urban community development; and other relevant community development topics. TAJOCODE submissions should be aligned with the Community Development profession and should clearly document methodology, data-driven results, success stories, resources and/or lessons learned. Citations of research and resources are expected in every manuscript. TAJOCODE promotes a basic set of core values for the practice of community development. They include:
TAJOCODE publishes an ‘open’ volume of unsolicited articles. The ‘open’ volumes follow a publish-as-you-go model, which allows articles to be published as soon as they are ready, rather than adhering to a fixed timetable. This innovative change ensures timely publication and is appropriate for our regular annual volumes of unsolicited, unrelated articles. However, themed volumes will be published once or twice a year, if a need arises. Special issues of the journal can also be published. For more information, please contact the Chief Editors.
3.0. Peer Review Statement All submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent and anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind.
4.0. Editorial board
4.1. Chief Editors:
Email: or or
Email: or
4.2. Associate Editors
4.3. Other Members of the Editorial Board
NB: Editors, editorial board, and other members do not receive any remuneration. The positions are voluntary.
4.4. Editorial policies
Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines (visit for details) to manage its peer-review process. All authors are welcome to submit complaints and appeals to editor’s decisions.
5.0. Instructions for authors
5.1. About the Journal Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) is the peer review journal of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development of Sokoine University of Agriculture publishing original research of high quality. Please see the TAJOCODE’s Aims and Scope to learn about its focus. Please note that this journal publishes manuscripts in Kiswahili and English. It is one of the pioneers academic journals in the community development field that publishes in both Kiswahili and English. TAJOCODE accepts original articles only.
5.2. Open Access All articles of TAJOCODE are freely available online. Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) © 2021 by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
5.3. Peer Review and Ethics TAJOCODE adheres to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. First, the editors assess the suitability of an article. If the article is suitable, the editors submit it to double blind peer review by autonomous and anonymous reviewers with expertise in the field of community development. The review criteria can be accessed at [click here]. The review form can be accessed at [click here].
5.4. Preparing Your Paper
5.4.1. Structure
Overall, TAJOCODE manuscripts invariably follow the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format. The articles should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, brief literature review (including theory or theories used in a separate sub-section), materials and methods (methodology), results (findings), discussion; conclusion and references. The author should include the following data at appropriate pages: appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (in the text); figures; figure captions (in the text). On a separate page, the author should include acknowledgments; and declaration of interest statement. The details on the sub-sections are as follows: Title: author(s) should state the titles in the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper. Titles should be specific, short and clear.
Abstract: abstracts should contain the following information: the purpose of the article, the type of literature that the article drew on, sample size, the average age of participants, method of data collection, the sampling procedure and the study area(s), the method of data analysis e.g. framework approach, the findings of the paper, and summary of your recommendations. All English abstract should be translated to Kiswahili. Likewise, all Kiswahili abstract should be translated to English. Please contact the chief editors, if you need some assistance in this area.
Introduction: The Introduction should serve three purposes: (1) to call attention to and clarify or define the specific topic or hypothesis that the author(s) are to discuss, (2) to provide background and justify a study relative to its important and the results of other studies, and (3) to list the objectives of the research project or to give the audience information on what the author(s) plan to accomplish in the article. That is, the introduction needs to situate the research within a broader context in the world before moving on to the local level i.e. globe, continent (Africa), region (East Africa) and country (Tanzania). Author(s) should also state the problem or opportunity under investigation clearly and concisely. Sources of problem statement can come from issues at the workplace or institution, personal experience, literature from authors’ field of study, or a desire to replicate the work of other researchers in an attempt to better understand or explain a phenomenon. Observe the following format: write the background about the problem; state the problem statement; and explain the significance of the problem. Author(s) should outline their research question(s) or objectives in the early stages of the introduction to guide readers. It would be useful for the author(s) to include a summary of their main arguments in the introduction.
Literature Review and Theoretical Framework The major points of a theory need to be stated very clearly so that they can be used in the discussion section. That is, author(s) should use a systematic theoretical approach to discuss their findings. Further, author(s) need to outline similar studies on the subject following the following formant i.e. the globe, regional (Africa), sub-region (East Africa), and country level (Tanzania). Author(s) should briefly explain the gaps in those studies that they believe their study is going fill.
Methodology Author(s) should take note that research questions or objectives narrow down the focus of a study. As such, research questions or objectives are the methodological point of departure. Below are details on different kinds of research methodologies.
Findings and Discussion
5.4.2. Word Limits
Please include a word count for your article. A typical article for this journal should be between 5,000 to 8,000 words inclusive of figure captions, endnotes, tables, and references. The article should be sufficient to present solid coverage of the issue. Writing style should hold the reader’s attention. Photos, graphics, captions, endnotes, tables, and illustrations are encouraged when they support understanding of the content provided.
5.4.3. Style Guidelines
Please use UK spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript. Please use double quotation marks, except where “a quotation is ‘within’ a quotation”. Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.
5.4.4. Formatting and Templates
You should submit your article in Word only. All manuscripts must be formatted to 2.5cm x 2.5 cm margins, double-spaced, with 12 point font, Times New Roman. You should ensure consistence throughout the article.
5.4.5. Editing Services
To help you improve your manuscript and prepare it for submission, TAJOCODE provides affordable editing services. Please contact the editors for pricing.
5.4.6. Checklist: What to Include
5.4.7. Tips for Writing Articles for TAJOCODE
5.4.8. Using Third-Party Material in your Paper
You must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in your article. The use of short extracts of text and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for the purposes of criticism and review without securing formal permission. If you wish to include any material in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.
5.4.9. Submitting Your Paper
The chief editors of TAJOCODE are Dr. Rasel Madaha (PhD), Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, Email: or or and Dr. Regina Malima (PhD), the Open University of Tanzania, Email: Submit your article via email to the chief editors. Make sure to copy all of the two CHIEF Editors. Other contacts are provides below: Associate Editors
Please note that TAJOCODE screens papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to TAJOCODE you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes. TAJOCODE strongly recommends that you keep a copy of your Accepted article. The article might be needed in case of misplacement.
6.0. Process
The articles will be blind reviewed by two to three community development practitioners and specialists who have volunteered to review and who have expertise that relates to the subject matter presented in the article. The goal will be to have the decision on the submission within four weeks of receipt.
7.0. Publication Charges
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal. We do not publish colour figures.
8.0. Copyright Options
All authors must give Copyright of their articles to TAJOCODE.
9.0. Queries
Should you have any queries, please contact the chief editors via their email.
10.0. Journal Identifiers Online: ISSN 2773-675X Print: ISSN 2773-6725 Copyright © Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE).
11.0. International Indexing TAJOCODE is indexed at Index Copernicus International; google scholar, RePEC EconPapers (hosted by the Örebro University School of Business, Sweden); and Sokoine University of Agriculture Institutional Repository (hosted by Sokoine National Agriculture Library), Tanzania. TAJOCODE also deposits all publications to the Tanzania National Bibliography (see Section 5(2) of Act No.6, 1975 of Tanzania Library Services Board). The bibliography is circulated to Libraries worldwide hence making our journal accessible worldwide. The bibliography is managed by the National Centre for International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Numbering (ISSN). The centre ensures that the documents produced are recorded and accessible at the International Data Banks.
Journal Articles
Sharing Space for Community Development Practitioners
This space serves as a room for community development practitioners, researchers, and academicians from across Tanzania and the world to exchange experiences, share teaching notes, and share other related materials. The material are not subject to the journal procedures. The Editorial Board, TAJOCODE, CODEPATA, Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development of SUA, and our publishers (referred to as the organs of the journal) make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “content”) contained in all our publication. However, the mentioned organs, our agents, and our licensors make no representation or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the content.
Training Manual on Community Development Practices
Training Manual on Conflict Management in Community Development Perspectives Principles of Social Entrepreneurship
To Our Reviewers
TAJOCODE values the comments of our reviewers on the significance and originality of the contribution, and the overall quality of the analysis. We usually give reviewers 2 weeks to read and comment on articles although this can be slightly extended if required. We give our reviewers the recognition they deserve for their peer review contributions. We recognize the reviewers’ contribution by listing their names on the journal’s website. Reviewers are also free not to opt to be listed. The following are the names of some of our reviewers:
Dr. Adella Nyello (University of Dodoma, Tanzania) | Dr. Rasel Madaha (Sokoine University of Agriculture) | Dr. Regina Malima (The Open University of Tanzania) |
Dr. Emmanuel Kipole (University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania) | Dr. Boniphace Shimba Francis (The University of Dodoma Tanzania, East Africa) | Prof. Abiud Kaswamila (The University of Dodoma Tanzania, East Africa) |
Dr. Gaspa Kisoka (Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Dodoma) |
Prof Clément MEDA Cell: +22670244827 Affiliation : Nazi Boni University, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso |
Dr Lancina Doumbia Cell: +22376429139 Affiliation: University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology of Bamako (USTTB) (Mali) |
Dr. Mahenge, Felix (PhD)
University of Dodoma
College of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Institutional email:
Dr. Martin Onsiro R.
Deputy Director, Graduate Studies,
Mount Kenya University (Main Campus),
P.O. Box 342-01000, Thika
Alumni Plaza, 6th Floor
Dr Gordon Ocholla
Mount Kenya University
Dr Mariana Makuu
Lecturer in Social Work Head of the Department (Sociology and Social Work) The Open University of Tanzania P.O. Box 23409 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
Dr.Kissoka Gasper, Lecturer, department of Political, Science and Public Administration, The University of Dodoma 249, Dodoma
Email:, |
Prof. John Nshimba Jeckoniah
Department of Development Studies (DDS) College of Social Sciences and Humanities Sokoine University of Agriculture P.O.Box 3024, MOROGORO EMAIL: |
Dr.Ludovick Myumbo
Senior Lecturer, department of Sociology and Anthropology St. Augustine University of Tanzania 307, Mwanza Email:,
Prof. Odass Selejio Bilame
Director Institute of Development Studies The University of Dodoma Email: and |
Prof. Prosper J Kimaro
Moshi Co-operative University Email Address: and |
Dr. Ponsian Sewando (Tengeru Institute of Community Development-TICD, Tanzania) | Brianne Peters. Brianne is an expert on Asset Based and Citizenled Development (ABCD | Dr. Japhace Ponsian (University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania) |
Novatus Justinian Kaijage | Dr. Zena M. Mabeyo (PhD)Senior Lecturer (Institute of Social Work, Tanzania) | Dr. Solomon Mhango (Tengeru Institute of Community Development-TICD) |
Dr. Chakupewa Joseph Mpambije (University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania) | Prof. James O. Bukenya (Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University (AAMU), USA) | Dr. Msaki Juda Leonard (Moshi Cooperative University, Tanzania) |
Prof. Krijn Peters (Swansea University, UK) | Dr. Elimeleck Parmena Akyoo (Tanzania Institute of Accountancy-TIA) | Amon Exavery (Pact/Tanzania) |
Prof. Nyankomo Marwa (Johannesburg Business School (JBS), South Africa | Dr. Respikius Martin (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania) | Dr. Gabriel K.Nzalayaimisi(Sokoine University of Agriculture) |
Robin Neustaeter, PhD, Assistant Professor (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada) | Dr. Godfrey Martin Mubyazi (National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) ) | Rose Mtei (Tengeru Institute of Community Development-TICD, Tanzania) |
Dr. David James Manyerere (University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania) | Dr. Mirau Mbise (University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania) | Juma Almas Mhina, (Tengeru Institute of Community Development-TICD, Tanzania) |