Dr. Sylvester C. Haule

Sylvester HauleAs a career academician, Haule is a teacher cum instructor, a researcher, an author, and a consultant in the fields of rural sociology, extension education, and traditional knowledge systems.

As a researcher, he has interests in traditional knowledge systems related to agriculture and natural resources management. His Ph.D. focused on the Role of Traditional Institutions in Forest Resource Management.

As a teacher cum Instructor, Haule is a lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development, teaching introductory courses in Anthropology and Rural Sociology. He is also an expert in qualitative research methods and teaches the same to postgraduate students. Previously, Haule had worked as Agricultural Science Tutor in Teachers Training Colleges for over 10 years.

Haule has provided end-term evaluation consultancy services in the areas of resilience and adaptation to climate change and participatory farmer groups. In relation to outreach activities, Haule has rendered services in areas of climate-smart agricultural practices, mountain agriculture, and traditional knowledge systems and natural resources management.

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