Introduction to Agribusiness

  2. Course Aim

The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the basic agribusiness concepts, aspects of agribusiness development and agribusiness environment in different contexts.

  • Course Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students should be able to:

  • describe the scope of agribusiness  
  • explain the importance of agribusiness to the Tanzanian economy
  • identify the key organizations in the Tanzanian agribusiness sector  
  • Understand the linkages between agribusiness and other sectors of the economy.


iv.            Course status



v.            Credit Rating:

7 Credits


vi.            Total hours spent: 70 hours


20 hours



20 hours



00 hours



15 hours


Independent study

15 hours

Prerequisite: None

  • Course Contents

Meaning and importance of agribusiness; usefulness of agribusiness education;   agribusiness sub-sectors; importance of agribusiness in the Tanzanian Economy; the scope of agribusiness; agribusiness linkages; agribusiness value chains; global agribusiness firms. Entrepreneurship: its nature; characteristics and importance; creativity and innovations in entrepreneurship; forms; structures of businesses; identifying business opportunities; the business plan; a personal guide to establish your own business.

  • Teaching and Learning Activities

Lectures, Tutorials and Independent Studies


  1. Assessment Methods:

Individual and group assignments, group presentations, tests and end of semester university examination.


  1. Reading List:

Beierlein, J., Schneeberger, W. and Osburn, K. (2008). Principles of Agribusiness Management. (3rd ed). Waveland Press.

Coulter. M. (2002). Entrepreneurship in Action. Prentice Hall. Saddle River, New Jersey.

Downey, W. D. and Erickson, S. P. (1987), Agribusiness Management. (2nd ed.). McGraw.

Rutashobya, L. and Olomi, D. R. (eds.) (1999). African small business and entrepreneurship. DUP. Dar es Salaam.

Touchie, R. D. (1993). Preparing a successful Business Plan: Self Counsel Business Series. International Self Counsel Press Ltd. USA/Canada

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