Principles of Administration and Management

  2. Course Aim: The aim of this course is to equip students with principles to be used in administration and management of various organizations.

iii. Course Expected Learning Outcomes: 

By the end of the course students should be able to:

  • Identify and describe the basic concepts and principles of administration and management in the context of the changing agricultural and rural development
  • Demonstrate their ability to work in groups by appreciating the dynamics and norms revolving around working groups or task teams.
  • Apply principles of management in problem solving and leadership
  • Develop positive attitudes towards work and management or governing body

i.        Course status:                  Core

ii.      Credit rating:                   9 Credits

iii.    Total hours Spent:       90 hours

                                     Lecture                                   36 hours

Seminars/Tutorials                   18 hours

Practical                                  9 hours

Assignment                             9 hours

Independent Research                        18 hours

      Pre-requisite:       None

iv.    Course Content:

                        Meaning of Administration and Management. Concepts in management and administration. Introduction to standard regulations and procedures for finance, office and personnel administration in government, non-government, and business establishments. Techniques of work planning. Management of human resources. Control of physical assets and inventories. Staff relations, motivation and workers’ committees. Committees and administrative communication. Agricultural Laws and Acts.


Practical: Case studies will be used to develop practical skills. These will be complimented, where necessary and where financial resources allow, with field trips to relevant sites. Alternatively, candidates will be involved in analysing selected case studies of selected problems/issues and demonstrate level of articulation and proficiency through their participation in seminar presentations.

v.      Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching will involve lectures, practical, group assignments and seminar presentations, individual assignments to capture self- reading. Use of case studies in teaching for some practical aspects will be employed.

vi.     Assessment Methods

The assessments will be through continuous assessments were written timed tests (theory and practical), quizzes, seminar presentation, practical reports, and submission of individual/group assignment papers will be used. The assessment will also include final University written examination.


vii.  Reading List

  1. Chandra Bose (2004). Principles of Management and Administration. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd

Costley, DL Santon-Melgoza, C. & Todd, R. (1994) Human Relations in Organizations.  San Francisco:  West Publishing Company.

Dawson, T. (1993) Principles and Practice of Modern Management.  Tudor:  Hodder and Stoughton Ltd.

Koontz, H. & C. O’Donnel (1976) Management:  A Systems in contingency Analysis of Managerial Functions.  McGraw Hill Inc.

Luthans, F. (1995) Organizational Behaviour. N.Y. McGraw-Hill.

Carnall, C.A (1990) Managing Change in Organizations.  N.Y. Prentice Hall

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