Dr. Rasel Mpuya Madaha

May 2018 passport

 Rasel’s detailed CV can be accessed at here (click here).

Rasel has been serving as the Departmental Chair of the Website Content Committee in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development and Representatives to College of Agriculture Website Content Committee of Sokoine University of Agriculture since July 2020. He has enabled the Department to rise to the best of all academic departments in terms in of website ranking at the university. Prior to that, he served as the Departmental Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee and Representatives to the College of Agriculture Undergraduate Studies Committee from July 2017 to July 2020. He facilitated the review and eventual approval of the curricula for BSc. Applied Agricultural Extension, and Bachelor of Community Development. The review led to increased enrolment of undergraduate students in the department from around 50 students prior to 2019 to nearly 500 students in 2020. Rasel has a career as an academician, researcher, author, consultant, and not-for-profit entrepreneur. As a researcher, academician, and author, Rasel has been engaging in multidisciplinary action research, social experiments, cross-sectional surveys, and ethnography since 2007. He authors over 12 articles (as a single author), published in refereed international journals and as chapters in international peer-review books. He is a recipient of several academic grants, which have enabled him to share his research findings in over 30 international conferences across countries located in North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, West Africa, South Africa, and East Africa. Rasel has expertise in community development, gender and development, development economics, rural development, African studies, social anthropology, political economy, and agricultural extension.

Rasel holds a Ph.D. in Development Studies from the University of Dar es salaam. He also holds two Masters Degrees, which are MA Global Gender Studies of the State University of New York, USA, and MA Rural Development of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. He also holds a BSc. in Agricultural Education and Extension of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, and a Diploma in Education from Morogoro Teachers’ College, Tanzania. Rasel has served as faculty for several higher learning institutions since 2007. As of 2014, he has been serving as a lecturer at Sokoine University of Agriculture located in Morogoro, Tanzania. He has supervised dissertations of over five postgraduate students (or graduate students) and has taught more than 10,000 undergraduate students in his areas of specialization. He holds membership in some reputable regional and international professional associations.

         As a consultant and a not-for-profit entrepreneur, he has been engaging in the not-for-profit industry in Africa and the United States of America since 1996. He has developed a grassroots microfinance model that has been empowering grassroots entrepreneurs since 2011. He has also gained a national and international reputation by undertaking over 30 consultancy assignments for seven international NGOs and five local national NGOs. Professional consultancy services have been offered to reputable international not-for-profit NGOs such as fhi360 (Family Health International), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GTZ), AFRICARE, and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA). He has also served as an employee of reputable international not-for-profit organizations such as the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and World Vision. He has also offered services to national not-for-profits such as Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), Village Community Banks (VICOBA) Federation of Tanzania in Tanzania as well as Jewish Family Services in New York, USA. The not-for-profits are located in both the Global South and Global North. Rasel is the founder of the Tanzania Chapter of the scaleWAYS- East Africa Community of Practice (CoP) with the support from the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Lake Victoria Basin Commission of the East African Community (LVBC), the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), and Austrian Development Cooperation.

         Finally, Rasel, with excellent command of both English and Kiswahili languages, is a recipient of several prestigious awards including Fulbright, Champion of Women Economic Development for the year 2012, and the American Political Science Professional Development Award (two times). He has won several travel grants to present his work across the world. Rasel is married to Happy Faith Madaha. He has three daughters whose names are Miriam, Mariana, and Rachelmaria, and one son whose name is Justine. Rasel’s detailed CV can be accessed here (click here).

Official email: rasel.madaha@sua.ac.tz

ORCID Id: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1775-3178
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-rasel-madaha-4966316/

Selected Book Chapters

Madaha, Rasel (2021). “Cultural Gender Relations Revolutionized as Self-Created Transformative Village Community Networks (TVCONEs) Transcend in Tanzania in Tola Olu Pearce and Andrea Moraes (Eds) Global Perspectives on Motherhood, Mothering and Masculinities, Bradford, Ontario, Canada, ISBN: 978-1-77258-287-1

Madaha Rasel (2020). “Tanzania” in Stewart, C. (Ed.). Gender and Identity around the World: Volume 1: Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. California: ABC-CLIO, LLC. ISBN 9781440867941 (set) | ISBN 9781440867965 (v. 1 ; hardcover) | ISBN 9781440867958 (ebook), pp 130-154

Madaha Rasel (2018). Tribal Corruption and Preferential Treatment: Contradictory African Corrupt Practices and Tanzania’s Progress in “Africa at a Crossroads: the Continent’s Future Prospects 50 years after the Formation of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union,” Pretoria, South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa, pp 198-226 (ISBN:978-0-7983-0515-0)

Madaha Rasel (2014). Gendered Responses and Adaptations to Changing Contexts of Development and Neoliberalism in Particular: A Case Study of Tanzanian Rural and Urban Women’s Networks in “Democratic Renewal Versus Neoliberalism: Towards Empowerment And Inclusion,” Buenos Aires : CLACSO Latin American Council of Social Sciences, pp 217-233 (ISBN 978-987-722-041-4)

Madaha Rasel (2011: co-author), The Declining Health Status as Fuelled by Illusory Internal Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there Any Future?, in Democracies: Challenges to Societal Health (Research in Political Sociology, Volume 19), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.133-159 (ISBN:978-1-78052-238-8; ISSN: 0895-9935; DOI: 10.1108/s0895-9935(2011)0000019013)

Selected Articles in international journals

Madaha, R. (2023). Coping Strategies of Feminine Peasant Networks and Social Protection (SP): The case of Village Community Networks (VCONEs) in Tanzania. International Journal of Advanced Research, 6(1), 155-170. https://doi.org/10.37284/ijar.6.1.1616

Madaha, R. (2023). The Cultural Role of Civil Societies and the National Parliament in the Domestic Enforcement of International Laws on Corruption in Tanzania. East African Journal of Law and Ethics, 6(1), 49-64. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajle.6.1.1615

Madaha, R (2022). “Decentralisation and the empowerment of local communities in Tanzania with special focus on water issues” Educational Action Research. DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2022.2162097

Madaha, R (2021). “A Study of Local Government in Africa through Participatory Action Research (PAR)” National Review of Black Politics, 2 (3-4): 195–214. https://doi.org/10.1525/nrbp.2021.2.3-4.195

Madaha, R. (2021). How Do Local Subjectivities Interfere with the Domestic Enforcement of International Laws on Corruption in Selected Regions of Tanzania?, The African Review, 49(1), 102-125. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/1821889X-12340062

Madaha Rasel (2021). Factors for Joining Village Community Networks in Tanzania. International Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences 6 (1): 36-54

Madaha Rasel (2020). Can Local African Communities Be Empowered Through Participatory Budgeting? International Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences 5 (2): 74-93. 

Madaha Rasel (2018).  Challenges and opportunities of Village Community Networks within the neoliberal context: a case study of women’s networks in Africa, African Identities, Vol. 16 Issue 1, pp 50-66

Madaha Rasel (2014). Organized and gendered media advocacy at the centre of the feminist movement in a patriarchal Tanzania, Africa Review, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2014 pp 18-29 (Taylor & Francis)

Madaha Rasel (2012) The Corruption Noose: Will Tanzania Ever Develop? Africa Review, Vol 4, Issue no 1: pp 48-64 (Taylor and Francis Group)

Madaha Rasel, (2012) “Disparate coping strategies for gendered effects of drought: A call for re-examination of gender roles and harmful traditions in Central Tanzania”, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, Vol. 3 Iss: 3, pp.283 – 302 (Emerald Group Publishing Limited)

Madaha Rasel (2011) Can Rural Women Networks Lead to Women Empowerment in Tanzania?: A Case study of Kinyangiri Division, Iramba District, Singida Region, Tanzania. Asian Journal of African Studies (formerly known as African Affairs)Vol. 29: pp 221-266. February Issue published by Institute of African Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI)

Madaha Rasel (2010). The Identity of a Tanzanian Woman: A Potentiality Under explored. Asian Journal of African Studies (formerly known as African Affairs) Vol. 28: pp 211-267.  August Issue published by Institute of African Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI)

Madaha, Rasel (2009). Role of Food Security Groups’ Networks in Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Chamwino District, Dodoma Region, Tanzania. Asian Journal of African Studies (formerly known as African Affairs)Vol. 25: pp 103-137.  February Issue published by Institute of African Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Koreaindexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI)

Madaha, Rasel (2008). Role of Food Security Groups in Improving Vegetable Production in Tanzania: A Case study of Chalinze village, in Chamwino District, Dodoma Region. Asian Journal of African Studies (formerly known as African Affairs) Vol. 24: pp 109-136. August issue published by Institute of African Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Koreaindexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI)

Selected Local Tanzanian Journals

Madaha Rasel (2017), Push Factors for Networking among Rural Women: a Case of VICOBA Women Networks in Central Tanzania. Cardinal Rugambwa Journal of Educational Research (CARJER) Volume 1 Issue 1: pp 1- 18 published by Cardinal Rugambwa Memorial University College and printed by Makerere University Printery (ISSN: 2467-4826)

Forth Coming

Book Chapters

o   Contemporary African Rural Women Networks and the Motivation to Network: A Case Study of VCONEs in Mkalama District, Tanzania to be published by CODESRIA

Other publication can be accessed at google scholar [click here]

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